Asociatia Act Integration from Drobeta Turnu Severin city, Mehedinti county, Romania, is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization for youth, member of the ONG21 Network, from Romania, and associate member of the international network VOLONTEUROPE. This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. Role: Supporting, Host 31/12/2027, 31/12/2027, OID: E10182661.

09 May

#70Schuman 9 Mai 2020, Sărbătorim Ziua Europei Împreună


#70Schuman 9 Mai 2020, Sărbătorim Ziua Europei Împreună

Belle fête de l'Europe à toutes et à tous ! 70 ans Schuman - 70 histoires!

În fiecare an, pe 9 mai, pe data aniversării declarației Schuman, Ziua Europei celebrează pacea și unitatea în Europa.

Chaque année, le 9 mai, date anniversaire de la « déclaration Schuman », la Journée de l'Europe célèbre la paix et l'unité en Europe.

#fetedeleurope #9mai #EuropeDay

#solidaritéeuropéenne #EuropeanSolidarity



About this blog

Asociatia Act Integration from Drobeta Turnu Severin city, Mehedinti county, Romania, is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization for youth, member of the ONG21 Network, from Romania, and associate member of the international network VOLONTEUROPE. This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. Role: Supporting, Host 31/12/2027, 31/12/2027, OID: E10182661.